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State & Regional Conferences

Dreon, O., Shettel, J. & Willox, L. (2024). Preparing Teacher Candidates for an AI World. Presentation at the annual conference of the Pennsylvania Association of Colleges and Teacher Educators Teacher Education Assembly, Harrisburg, PA.


Dreon, O. & Gates, L. (2024). Preparing Teachers as Advocates: What Do the Standards Say? Presentation at the annual conference of the Pennsylvania Association of Colleges and Teacher Educators Teacher Education Assembly, Harrisburg, PA.


Dreon, O., McDonald, S., et al. (2024). Building a Statewide Community of Practice for Science Teacher Education. Presentation at the annual conference of the Pennsylvania Association of Colleges and Teacher Educators Teacher Education Assembly, Harrisburg, PA.


Gates, L. & Dreon, O. (2024). Advocacy in Increasingly Polarized Contexts: Responsibilities and Opportunities for Art Educator. Presentation at the annual conference of the Pennsylvania Art Education Association, Hershey, PA.


Shettel, J., Dreon, O, & McCollum-Clark, K. (2024). Harnessing the Power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the Middle-Level Classroom. Presentation at the annual conference of the Pennsylvania Association For Middle Level Education, King of Prussia, PA.


Ward, J. & Dreon, O. (2023). Exploring the Role of the Model Code of Ethics for Educators in Teacher Education. Presentation at the annual conference of the Pennsylvania Association of Colleges and Teacher Educators Teacher Education Assembly, Harrisburg, PA.


Ibrahim, A. & Dreon, O. (2021). The Value of Partnerships: Assessing Cooperating Teachers' Technology Competencies. Presentation at the annual conference of the Pennsylvania Association of Colleges and Teacher Educators Teacher Education Assembly, Harrisburg, PA.


Dreon, O., Gull, C., Mercier, A. & Rush, L. (2021). Infusing Ethics into UW Preservice Teacher Education:
An Intentional Curricular Approach
. Presentation at the Wyoming Education Summit, Laramie, WY.


Dreon, O. (2021). What YouTube Can Teach Us About Educator Ethics, Invited presentation at 2021 Summer Law, Leadership, and Ethics Conference, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY.

Dreon, O. & Shettel, J. (2018). Turning the Corner with 360-Degree Feedback, Presentation given at Lancaster Learns, Lancaster, PA.

Shettel, J. & Dreon, O. (2017). Close Reading in the Collegiate Classroom, Presentation given at Lancaster Learns, Lancaster, PA.
Dreon, O. & Szczyrbak, G. (2017). Are You OK with OER?. Presentation given at the annual PASSHE Virtual Conference, Harrisburg, PA.

​Dreon, O, Wright, T, Brooks, S. & Ward, J. (2016). Peers, Predators and the Open Seas: Helping Doctoral Students Navigate the Waters of Scholarly Literature.  Presentation given at the PASSHE Doctoral Summer Symposium, Millersville, PA.

Dreon, O. (2016). Principles of Good Instruction:  Applying Chickering and Gamson Online, Presentation given at Lancaster Learns, Lancaster, PA.

Dreon, O. & Szczyrbak, G. (2015). Game On: Faculty Development through Gaming, Presentation given at Innovations in Faculty Development Symposium, Shippensburg, PA.

Dreon, O., Macaulay, L, Edgell, L. & Mulnix, A. (2015). Lancaster Learns:  Collaborating for Professional Development, Presentation given at Innovations in Faculty Development Symposium, Shippensburg, PA.

Dreon, O. & Szczyrbak, G. (2015). Applying Multimedia Principles to Online Learning Objects, Presentation given at Lancaster Learns, Lancaster, PA.

Marcum-Dietrich, N. & Dreon, O. (2014).  FLIP not Flop: A How-To-Session for Successfully Flipping Your Classroom, Pennsylvania Science Teachers Association State Conference, State College, PA
Marcum-Dietrich, N. & Dreon, O. (2014).  Get OUTSIDE: Encouraging "digital natives" to explore nature using technology as a field-based tool, Pennsylvania Science Teachers Association State Conference, State College, PA

Dreon, O. & Shettel, J. (2014). Flipping for TPACK, Presentation given at the Pennsylvania Educational Technology Expo & Conference, Hershey, PA.

Dreon, O., Shettel, J., Hallock, V., Rissinger, C., Gwynn, D., Transue, M., … Kriebel, L. (2014). A Flipped Classroom Partnership Model, Presentation given at the Pennsylvania Educational Technology Expo & Conference, Hershey, PA.

Kriebel, L., Shettel, J., Dreon, O., Lurie, J. & Morning, D. (2014). Flipping Out in the College Classroom, Presentation given at the Pennsylvania Educational Technology Expo & Conference, Hershey, PA.

Dreon, O. & Firestone, M. (2013).  Fostering Creativity through Embedded Content, Presentation given at the IGNITE 2013, the regional users conference for Desire2Learn, Lancaster, PA.

Dreon, O. & Marcum-Dietrich, N. (2013). iPad Apps for the science classroom, Pennsylvania Science Teachers Association State Conference, State College, PA

Marcum-Dietrich, N. & Dreon, O. (2013). Inquiry Science Teaching: There’s an App for That, Pennsylvania Science Teachers Association State Conference, State College, PA

Dreon, O. & Marcum-Dietrich, N. (2012). iPad apps for the science classroom, Pennsylvania Science Teachers Association State Conference, Hershey, PA

Marcum-Dietrich, N. & Dreon, O. (2012). Science Demonstrations, Pennsylvania Science Teachers Association State Conference, Hershey, PA

Ward, J., Richardson, S., Wright, T. & Dreon, O. (2012).  The PDE Teacher Evaluation Project and student teaching, Paper presented at the annual teacher education assembly of the Pennsylvania Association of Colleges and Teacher Educators, Hershey, PA.

Dreon, O., Firestone, M. & Colabucci, L. (2012). Step outside the course management system:  Embedding creativity into your blended course, Emerging and Innovative Teaching, Learning and Assessment Practices to Ensure Student Success, Shippensburg University, Shippensburg, PA.

Dreon, O., Angelo, C. & Sheppeard, S. (2011).  An introduction to the PA Educator Ethics and Conduct Curriculum, Paper presented at the annual teacher education assembly of the Pennsylvania Association of Colleges and Teacher Educators, Hershey, PA.

​Dreon, O., Angelo, C. & Sheppeard, S. (2011).  Developing professional ethics: A statewide curricular solution.  Paper presented at the annual conference of the Pennsylvania Association of Colleges and Teacher Educators Teacher Education Assembly, State College, PA.

​Steffy, H., Arp, K., Ahrens, P. & Dreon, O. (2011) Pennsylvania Professors of Middle Level Education, Panel discussion organized at the annual professional development institute of the Pennsylvania Middle Schools Association, Lancaster, PA.

Dreon, O. & Marcum-Dietrich, N. (2010). Engaging digital natives in an inquiry science classroom, National Science Teachers Association Regional Conference, Baltimore, MD.

Dreon, O., McDowell, L., et al. (2010). Using video to support student teacher reflection and development,  The Pennsylvania Association of Colleges and Teacher Educators Teacher Education Assembly, Hershey, PA.

Steffy, H., Dreon, O. et al. (2010). Meeting the needs of the middle, The Pennsylvania Association of Colleges and Teacher Educators Teacher Education Assembly, Hershey, PA.

Dreon, O. & Marcum-Dietrich, N. (2010). Supporting student teacher development through social networking,  The Pennsylvania Association of Colleges and Teacher Educators Teacher Education Assembly, Hershey, PA.

Marcum-Dietrich, N. & Dreon, O. (2009). Classroom symposium: A model of scientific talk,  STEM Academy for Educators, Manheim Township, PA.

Dreon, O., Zembal-Saul, C, and McDonald, S. (2009). Teaching Science in a Web 2.0 World.  One-to-One Computing Conference, Penn State University, State College, PA.

Dreon, O. & Marcum-Dietrich, N. (2008). The first year experience panel discussion, Pennsylvania Science Teachers Association State Conference, Hershey, PA.

Dreon, O. & Criswell, B (2007). Mentoring new inquiry-minded science teachers:  Lessons from ICISS, How Students Learn:  The Implications of Learning Research for Science Education, Franklin & Marshall College, Lancaster, PA.


Oliver Dreon, PhD, Professor

Department of Educational Foundations

Millersville University

421 Stayer Hall

Millersville, PA 17551


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