Professional Development
Fields of Expertise
Teaching & Learning
While leading Millersville University's Center for Academic Excellence, I facilitated numerous workshops and presentations on active learning, flex learning, hybrid learning, online learning, Open Educational Resources, and the scholarship of teaching & learning.
Educator Ethics
After developing the Educator Ethics & Conduct Toolkit for Pennsylvania's Dept. of Education, I've led induction workshops for new teachers across the Commonwealth.
Science Education
With the release of the new PA Science Standards in 2022, I've worked with a cohort of science educators and teacher educators to lead professional development workshops with intermediate units and school district personnel.
Types of Sessions
Keynote Address
Over the last decade, I've been fortunate to be invited to conferences and universities to speak on a variety of topics. One personal highlight was offering the keynote address at the Teaching Professor Technology Conference in 2015.
Workshops can be great vehicles for examining topics and teaching strategies in more depth. Some recent workshops I've helped to facilitate include humanizing online classes, promoting reading with collegiate students, and incorporating game elements in online classes.
Invited Presentations
Through my work with different conferences and universities, I've had the pleasure of being invited to present on different topics. For example, I was invited to co-present on faculty mentoring efforts at the Leadership in Higher Education in 2021.
Have any questions? Reach out for more information.