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Dreon, O., Shibley, I. & Wilson, T. (2019). The Power of Blended Learning in the Sciences. Ann Arbor, MI: Part-Time Press.

Dreon, O & Polly, D. (Eds.). (2017).  Teacher Education for Ethical Professional Practices in the 21st Century.  Hershey, PA: IGI Publications.

Marcum-Dietrich, N. & Dreon, O. (2008).  Authentic instruction with technology: A student-centered approach.  Dubuque, IA: Kendall-Hunt.

Book chapters
Zheng, R., Dreon, O. Wang, Y. & Wang, S. (2018). College Students' Perceptions on the Role of Digital Technology and Personalized Learning: An International Perspective in Zheng, R. (Eds.).  Digital Technologies and Instructional Design for Personalized Learning.  Hershey, PA;  IGI Publications.

Dreon, O. (2017). Developing Professional Ethics: A Statewide Curricular Solution in Dreon, O & Polly, D. (Eds.).  Teacher Education for Ethical Professional Practices in the 21st Century.  Hershey, PA;  IGI Publications.
Dreon, O. (2016). Five Ways to Foster Creativity in Your Online Classroom. In Price, D. (Ed.) Teaching Strategies for the Online College Classroom. Madison, WI: Magna Publications.

Dreon, O. & Szczyrbak, G. (2016). Level Up: Multiple Player Professional Development. In R. Zheng & M. Gardner (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Serious Games for Educational Applications. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

Dreon, O., Shettel, J. & Bower, K. (2016). Preparing next generation elementary teachers for the tools of tomorrow. In M. Grassetti & S. Brookby (Eds.), Advancing Next-Generation Elementary Teacher Education through Digital Tools and Applications, Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

Dreon, O. (2016). Building teacher presence in online classes. In S. D’Agustino (Ed.), Creating Teacher Immediacy in Online Learning Environments. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

Marcum-Dietrich, N. & Dreon, O. (2013). Preparing beginning teachers to use instructional technology effectively. In A. D. Ritzhaupt & Swapna Kumar (Eds.) Cases on Educational Technology Implementation for Facilitating Learning. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

Dreon, O. & Marcum-Dietrich, N. (2012). Supporting teacher development through social networking In C. Mims, K. Persichitte & D. Polly (Eds.), Technology in Teacher Education: Key Issues. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

McDonald, S., Criswell, B., & Dreon, O. (2008). Inquiry in the chemistry classroom: Perplexity, model testing, and synthesis. In J. Luft, R. Bell & J. Gess-Newsome (Eds.), Science as Inquiry in the Secondary Setting. Washington, DC: NSTA Press.

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Langran, E., Azevedo, P. C.R., Dreon, O., Budhai, S.S., & Hauth, C. (2024, in press). REPAC: Critical questions to inform EdD programs in an era of generative artificial intelligence. Impacting Education: Journal of Transforming Professional Practice, 9(4).


Ibrahim, A. & Dreon, O. (2022). Exploring Technology Competencies of Field-Based Teacher Educators. Pennsylvania Teacher Educator.


Kennedy, S. & Dreon, O. (2019). CASH: Collaborative Activities on the Sash Hood. Journal of Chemical Education, 96(3), 508-510.

Shettel, J., Dreon, O., and Kriebel, L. (2015) Flipping out in the literacy classroom. PA Reads, 14 (1), 14-21.
Marcum-Dietrich, N., Dreon, O., & Mahoney, T. (2013). Participating in Change: Mentor Teacher's Preceptions of the Effectiveness of a Science Teacher Residency Program. Teacher Education and Practice, 26(4).

Dreon, O. (2013). Review of The Networked Teacher: How New Teachers Build Social Networks for Professional Support. Science Education, 97(6), 973-975.

Dreon, O. & McDonald, S.  (2012).  Being in the hot spot:  A phenomenological study of two beginning teachers’ experiences enacting inquiry science pedagogy.   Teachers and Teaching:  Theory and Practice. 18(3), 297-313.

Dreon, O., Landis, J. & Kerper R. (2011).  Digital storytelling:  A tool for teaching and learning in the YouTube Generation.  Middle School Journal. 42(5), 4-9.

Dreon, O. & Marcum-Dietrich, N. (2010).  Using technology to support collaboration in Professional Development Schools. PDS Partners. 6(2), 4-5.

Dreon, O. & Marcum-Dietrich, N. (2009). Turning lemons into lemonade: Teaching assistive technology through wikis and embedded video. TechTrends. 53 (1), 78-80.

Dreon, O. (2006). A study of Physics First curricula in Pennsylvania. The Physics Teacher. 44, 521-523.
Editor-Reviewed Publications
Dreon, O. & Petula, J. (2018) Using Technology to Scaffold Conceptual Development. Online Classroom. 18(1), 1-7.

Dreon, O. (2017).  Taking Collaboration Seriously. The Teaching Professor. 31(7), 1-8.

Dreon, O. & Szczyrbak, G. (2017). Understanding Open Educational Resources. Online Classroom. 17(2), 3-7.

Dreon, O. (2015) Reflecting on the top tools for learning. Distance Education Report Newsletter, 11 (20), 1-2.


Dreon, O. (2014) Five ways to foster creativity in your online classroom.  Online Classroom. 11(1), 2-3.

Online Publications
Dreon, O. & Gates, L. (2022). Building a Comprehensive Faculty Mentoring Program: A Case Study. March 1.
Dreon, O. & Pfannenstiel, A.N. (2020). Spotlight on Open Educational Resource: Introduction. August 3.
Dreon, O., Redcay, A., & Delle, J. (2020). Fostering Innovation with a Hands-Off Approach. August 3.
Dreon, O., Stieha, C., & Redcay, A. (2020). Adopting Open: Promoting Faculty Interest. August 3.
Dreon, O. (2018). Checking off Checklists. August 23.
Dreon, O. (2018). Raising the Floor. August 14.
Dreon, O. (2018). What about Learner Presence? August 7.
Dreon, O. (2018). Context Matters. July 24.
Dreon, O. (2018). Impacts of Open Educational Resources. July 17.
Dreon, O. (2018). My Summer Reading List. July 5.
Dreon, O. (2017). Literacy Levels Among College Students. April 17.
Dreon, O. (2016). Discussion Board Expectations.  December 1.
Dreon, O. (2016). ​Course Netiquette Expectations. November 1.
Dreon, O. (2014).  Formative assessment: The secret sauce of blended success. July 23.
Dreon, O. (2013).  Tips for building social presence in your online class. May 13.

Dreon, O. (2013).  Applying the seven principles for good practice to the online classroom. Feb. 25.
Dreon, O. (2013). Promoting student success through collaboration. Jan. 21.

Dreon, O., Sheppeard, S. & Angelo, C. (2012). Educator ethics and conduct toolkit.  iTunes Bookstore.

Dreon, O. (2008)  Vandalism or an accidental overwrite: A wiki warning. Dec. 28


Oliver Dreon, PhD, Professor

Department of Educational Foundations

Millersville University

421 Stayer Hall

Millersville, PA 17551


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